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Using the Android examples with Android Studio

Once you have downloaded the zip file with the libraries ( and received the license key, you might want to look into the examples from

Here is the step-by-step how to do it:

Step 1: Create new project in Android Studio

  1. Select a Project Template to be ‘No activity‘ then click Next
  2. Use a Name that you want but make sure that the company domain is same the one used when you applied for your license. In our case, we use: com.augumenta.examples…
  3. Select  a location for the directory (Save location) and click Finish

Step 2: Import AIP libraries

  1. Navigate to File -> New -> New module and click on the card Import .JAR/.AAR package.
  2. Find the place where you unzip the and select the agapi.aar
  3. Repeat the steps and add also agapi-utils.aar

Step 3: Import the module source code

  1. Navigate to File -> New -> Import module and click on the source directory
  2. Find the place where you unzip theAugumenta-AIP-SDK-examples-gradle-v2.2.1.zipand select the module you want to import
  3. Repeat the earlier steps to add the other modules

Step 4: Install the license for module

  1. Follow the instructions from: How to add Augumenta license key to Android module
  2. You don’t need to check the manifest entry, as it is already added for you

Step 5: Run the imported module in the device

  1. Run the imported module in the device (or press Shift-F10)

Step 6: (Optional) Remove the empty app module

  1. You can remove the app module from the Project Structure by going into File -> Project Structure
  2. Click on the Modules tab and select the app module
  3. Click on – to remove the module (or press delete)
  4. In the root folder, it is now possible to delete the folder app